Friday, May 7, 2010
Measurement Conversion Chant
This is easy for me and you
Inch to Centimeter 2.5
This is eay as a jive
Meters to Yards 1.09
I know that A is as good as mine
Liter to Quart 1.05
Not really like a bee hive
Kilogram Mile 1.6
Make it with sticks
I'm in a mix
(to the tune of pop goes the weasel)
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Ashley Suchy's Math Poem
so lets add a little more fun
in kilometers i'm 1.6
so lets not pick up any more sticks
its fine to have a little fun
but please do not run, run, run
i'm trying to tell you about 1.6
but i guess i'll have to get back to
picking up sticks!
Maleka's Math Poem
In kilometers I'm 1.6
Peter Kilometer And Kyle Mile
And talking to his friend Kyle mile
Peter said “I have walked 1.609 Kilometers”
“Kyle said I have walked a mile”
Peter said “I have walked more than you”
Kyle said “but that is not true I have walked more than you”
Peter said “but how is that true”
They both went home and looked online
And this is what is what they found
“We have walked the same distance but we didn’t know that 1.609 Kilometers equal 1 mile” said Kyle
Miles and Kilometers Chant
Measurement (clap x 2)
it's pleasurement (clap x 2)
1 mile (clap x 2)
let's smile (clap x 2)
equals 1.6 (clap x 2)
kilometers (clap x 2)
10 miles (clap x 2)
let's smile (clap x 2)
equals 16 (clap x 2)
kilometers (clap x 2)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Block 2: Miles and Kilometers Blog
Add your finished product as a comment to this post!
Have fun!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
BOB ASKS...Obtuse Angle?
This is funny! I bet most adults are not smarter than a 5th grader these days!
What do you think?
Quadrilateral Dance! Multiple Intelligences
Quadrilateral Dance (sung to: Father Abraham)
Quadrilateral has many shapes
Many shapes has quadrilateral
A square is one of them
Congruent sides
And 4 right angles too
Right arm
Quadrilateral has many shapes
Many shapes has quadrilateral
A parallelogram, opposite sides
Both sets are parallel
Right arm, left arm
Quadrilateral has many shapes
Many shapes has quadrilateral
Rectangle’s one of them
The corners square
4 right angles around
Right arm, left arm, right leg
Quadrilateral, We do the quadrilateral dance
Let’s do the Quadrilateral,
We do the quadrilateral dance
Quadrilateral has many shapes
Many shapes has quadrilateral
A trapezoid is one, 2 parallel
But the other 2 are not
Right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg
Quadrilateral has many shapes
Many shapes has quadrilateral
Rhombus could be a square
Or diamond too
Must have congruent sides
Right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg FOUR SIDES!
Son written & produced by Rockin the Standards (Tim Bedley)
Angle Song by Rockin the Standards
Angles Song (sung to: B-I-N-G-O)
There was an angle had a name
And Righty was his name-o
Square corner just like so
Square corner just like so
Square corner just like so
And Righty was his name-o
There was an angle had a name
And Acute was her name-o
Closed and cute just like so
Closed and cute just like so
Closed and cute just like so
And Acute was her name-o
There was an angle had a name
And Obtuse was his name-o
Open wide just like so
Open wide just like so
Open wide just like so
And Obtuse was his name-o
Song & Lyrics written & produced by: Rockin the Standards (Tim Bedley)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Measure of an Angle in a Regular Polygon Cheer!
Super Job!
"Alaina, How do you find the measure of one angle in a regular polygon?
Watch and Listen closely.
The number of angles minus 2
Times 180 that's what you do
Divide it by the number of angles
is one angle measure in a regular polygon
The formula is (n-2) x 180 divided by n"
Class of Video singing the "Diagonal Macarena"!
Students wanted to join in the "diagonal macarena" dance!
Love it! Who says math isn't fun? :0)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Anne Claire's Explanation of Geometry Word Problem
Great Job Anne Claire persisting through this challenging problem!
I am proud of you!
Shape Poem by Shel Silverstein
Outside his rectangular shack
When a triangle came down - kerplunk! -
And struck him in the back
"I must go to the hospital,"
Cried the wounded square,
So a passing rolling circle
Picked him up and took him there.
A Light in the Attic
poems and drawings
by Shel Silverstein
Monday, March 8, 2010
Jesse's explanation of sum of interior angles of Octagon
I am so proud of you, Jesse! Excellent Job explaining the multiplication using place value. :-)
Emily York's Explanation of Sum of Interior Angles of Decagon
Great Job Emily...Recorded Thursday, March 4th!
Grace Fowler's Explanation of angle measures in Regular Hexagon
Great Job Grace Fowler....Recorded on Thursday, March 4th
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Geometry Test Study Guide!!!
Go to Harris Math link and click on Geometry Test #3 with answers!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Grace Fowler's math question
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
© 2009 Jonathan Feinberg
Terms of Use
this one i made for nathans website :
Block 2 Collaborative Wordle!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Angles Wordle
If you would like create a wordle, comment to this post and insert the link so the class will be able to see your wordle easily without having to search the entire wordle gallery! Also, I left off two important angle the first to comment to this post identifying the two words and you will receive 100% extra credit participation grade for 3rd nine weeks.
YourTeacher.Com math videos on YouTube
Search for geometry videos to view. (or fractions, decimals, multiplication, division, measurement, algebra, fifthgrade)
Complementary and Supplementary Angles
Supplementary Angles:
Geometry Word Problems; Supplementary Angles:
Complementary and Supplementary Angles:
Complementary and Supplementary Angles:
Adjacent Angles:
Vertical Angles:
Adjacent and Vertical Angles:
More Geometry Videos
Types of Polygons:
Interior Angles of Regular Polygons:
Perpendicular Lines:
Parallel Lines:
Properties of a Rhombus:
Definition of a Trapezoid:
Definition of a Parallelogram:
Properties of a Parallelogram:
Parallelogram Song:
Angles Music Video:
Acute, Obtuse, Right and Straight Angles:
Geometry Videos
The Polygon Movie by 3rd grade students:
The Polygon Song:
Polly had a Polygon:
Your Polygon Video:
Monday, February 15, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
All About Triangles
Go to the link above and select T. Read the descriptions of each triangle type.
Next, go to and log in to our class account.
Search for videos about triangles.
When you find a quality video that you feel your classmates will enjoy viewing, post a comment to our blog and add the video link to the post.