We have been learning quite a bit of information regarding triangles over the last few weeks. The challenge for this blog post is to see who can identify the most properties of triangles.
I have come up with 16 properties of triangles. How many of you can beat me?????
Good Luck and Have fun!!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
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In an equilateral triangle, all sides are of equal length. An equilateral triangle is also an equiangular polygon, i.e. all its internal angles are equal—namely, 60°; it is a regular polygon[1]
* In an isosceles triangle, two sides are of equal length. An isosceles triangle also has two congruent angles (namely, the angles opposite the congruent sides). An equilateral triangle is an isosceles triangle, but not all isosceles triangles are equilateral triangles.[2]
* In a scalene triangle, all sides have different lengths. The internal angles in a scalene triangle are all different.[3]
Triangles can also be classified according to the their internal angles, described below using degrees of arc.
* A right triangle (or right-angled triangle, formerly called a rectangled triangle) has one 90° internal angle (a right angle). The side opposite to the right angle is the hypotenuse; it is the longest side in the right triangle. The other two sides are the legs or catheti (singular: cathetus) of the triangle.
* An obtuse triangle has one internal angle larger than 90° (an obtuse angle).
* An acute triangle has internal angles that are all smaller than 90° (three acute angles). An equilateral triangle is an acute triangle, but not all acute triangles are equilateral triangles.
* An oblique triangle has only angles that are smaller or larger than 90°. It is therefore any triangle that is not a right triangle.
We have been learning quite a bit of information regarding triangles over the last few weeks. The challenge for this blog post is to see who can identify the most properties of triangles.
I have come up with 16 properties of triangles. How many of you can beat me?????
1. A triangles interior angles equal 180 degraese.
2. A regular triangle's side is 60 degrease.
A triangle...
3. Can be an acute polygon
4. Can be an obtuse polygon
5. can be isosalces polygon
6. can be right polygon
7. can be can be scalen polygon
8. can be equalaterall polygon
A triangle...
9. must have three sides
10. can not have a right angle and obtuse angle.
11. can not have three obtuse angles
12. can not have three right angles
well properties of a triangle
1. each triangles equal up to 180 degrees
2. each triangle has no non-adjacent angles.
3. a triangle does not have any diagonals
4. a triangle can only be isoceles, scalene, or equalateral.
5.after a triangle has been named isosceles, scalene, or equalaterel you have to give it a last name. you can eaither name it a right, obtuse, or acute. example[isosceles,right]
6.each triangle has only one triangle that can go in it.
in a triangle there is 3 sides, its a pollygon, = 180 degrees,three angles,ther is scalene triangles, equalaterel triangles, and icsosceles triangles. there are right triangles, acute triangles, and obtuse triangles. there is two legs in a triangle, and one hypotenuse in a triangle. there are regular pollygons, and 0 angles, a vertex, an interior angle, there are regulur triangles,it can be trianulated into 1 triangle,
Properties Of Triangles-
#1- There are "RIGHT ANGLES" in triangles.(90 degrees)
#2- There are "ACUTE ANGLES" in triangles.(89- degrees)
#3- There are "OBTUSE ANGLES" in triangles.(91+ degrees)
#4,#5,- The "ANGLES" of a triangle has a "MEASUREMENT" of ____, ____ and ____ "DEGREES".
#7- The total amount of the mearurement of a triangle's angles is "180 DEGREES".
#8- A right triangle has a measurement of "90 DEGREES".
#9- An acute triangle has a measurement of all angles "89 DEGREES OR LESS".
#10- An obtuse triangle has a measurement of 1 angle "91 DEGREES OR MORE".
#10 & #11- A triangle has an "ITERIOR ANGLE" and an "EXTERIOR ANGLE" of each angle.
#12 & #13- A triangle has two "LEGS" and one "HYPOTENUSE".
#14 & #15- A triangle has "THREE SIDES" and "THREE ANGLES".
#16- A "SCALENE TRIANGLE" is a triangle with all sides and angles different measurements.
#17- An "EQUALATERAL TRIANGLE" is a triangle with all sides and angles equal measurements.
#18- An "ISOSCELES TRIANGLE" is a trinagle with two sides and two angles the same measurements.
#19- A triangle is a "POLYGON".
#20- There are "NO DIAGONALS" in a triangle.
#21- The measurement of a regular triangle's interior angles are "60 DEGREES".
#22 & #23- A triangle has "ALL ADJACENT ANGLES" but "ZERO NON-ADJACENT ANGLES".
#24- A triangle has "3 LINE SEGMENTS".
#25- A triangle has a "PERIMETER" around it's sides.
~25 IN ALL~
1. equilateral triangle
2. isosceles triangle
3. scalene triangle
4. right triangle
5. acute triangle
6. obtuse triangle
Mrs.Harris don't you mean 6 propties of triangles. Why i question you is because i put the ones above and couldn't find ANY more i even looked on brain pop and they said there where only 6(the ones i have listed befor i looked on brain pop).
~ 1 must have 3 sides
~ 2 sum of angles has to equal 180 degrees
~ 3 can be classified as isosceles
~ 4 can be classified as scalene
~ 5 can be classified as equalateral
~ 6 can be classified as right
~ 7 can be classified as acute
~ 8 can be classified as obtuuse
~9 an obtuse triangle can only have one angle that measures more than 90°.
~ 10 To know if the triangle will be proper you look at the largest measure, or hypotenoose, and if you add the other two measures, the sum must be greater than the hypoteoose.
~ 11 All triangles are convex and bicentric.
~ 12 A triangle is acute if all three of its angles are all acute
~ 13 a triangle having one obtuse angle is called an obtuse triangle
~ 14 a triangle with a right angle is called right triangle.
~ 15 A triangle with all sides equal is an equilateral
~ 16 a triangle with two sides equal is called isosceles triangle
~ 17 a triangle with all sides a different length is a scalene triangle
~ 18 A triangle can be right and isosceles, in which it is known as an isosceles right triangle.
Triangles all have 1.three sides, 2.three angles and 3.three vertices. Triangles also have 4. a sum of 180%. If the triangle was regular each angle would be 5.60%.
#1. Properties of Triangles
1. Total Number of degrees of interior angles in a triangle is exactly 180°.
2. In any triangle, the largest interior angle is opposite the largest side; the smallest interior angle is opposite the smallest side and, not surprisingly, the middle-sized interior angle is opposite the middle-sized side.
3. An exterior angle of a triangle, or any polygon, is formed by extending one of the sides of the triangle (or polygon).
4. The exterior angle is supplemental to the adjoining interior angle.
5. An angle, lying opposite the greatest side, is also the greatest angle, and inversely.
6. Angles, lying opposite the equal sides, are also equal, and inversely. In particular,
all angles in an equilateral triangle are also equal.
7. Any side of a triangle is less than a sum of two other sides and more than their
difference ( a < b + c, a > b – c; b < a + c, b > a – c; c < a + b, c > a – b ).
8. Two triangles are congruent, if they have accordingly equal:
a) two sides and an angle between them;
b) two angles and a side, adjacent to them;
c) three sides.
9. Two right-angled triangles are congruent, if one of the following conditions is valid:
1) their legs are equal;
2) a leg and a hypotenuse of one of triangles are equal to a leg and a hypotenuse of another;
3) a hypotenuse and an acute angle of one of triangles are equal to a hypotenuse and
an acute angle of another;
4) a leg and an adjacent acute angle of one of triangles are equal to a leg and an
adjacent acute angle of another;
5) a leg and an opposite acute angle of one of triangles are equal to a leg and an opposite acute angle of
10. In a right-angled triangle a square of the hypotenuse length is equal to a sum of squares of legs lengths.
11. A bisector divides an opposite side into two parts, proportional to the adjacent sides
12. Altitude ( height ) of a triangle is a perpendicular, dropped from any vertex to an opposite side ( or to its continuation).
13. Median is a segment, joining any vertex of triangle and a midpoint of the opposite
A triangle has three sides , A triangle's sum of interior angles equals 180 degrees, A triangles measure if regular is 60 degrees
1. 180 degrees
2. 3 sides
3. 3 angles
4. 0 diagonals
5. 0 diagonals from each vertex
6. Each angle 60 degrees in a regular triangle
7. 2 vertical angles or 3 I'm not sure
8. Could be isosceles
9. Could be equalateral
10. Could be scalene
11. Could not have a right angle and a obtuse angle in one triangle
12. Could not have 2 right angles
13. 3 vertexes
14. Has a perimeter
15. Has an area
16. the angles can not go over 180 degrees
17. Any angle could go into a triangle
Sum of interior angles equalsw 180 degrees. There are 0 diagonals. Polygon;a triangle also known as a polygon; three sided figure, has three vertices, can be an equilateral triangle, can be
Triangles have 3 angles
A triangle can be equilateral
'' '' can be isosceles
'' '' can be scalene
The sum of the triangles interior angles must equl 180 degrees
A triangle has all ajacent angles
'' '' has no diagnols
A triangle can be triangulated into 1 triangle
The two shortest sides must equal more than the longest side
Can only have 1 riht angle
'' '' have 1 obtuse angle
Can't have 3 acute angles
1.Triangles have 3 sides.
2.The interior angles have a sum of 180 degrees.
3.If a triangle was regular the sum of the angles will be 60 degrees
4.A triangle has 0 diagonals.
5.A triangle can be classified by the lengths of their sides.
6.A triangle is a polygon.
7.A triangle can't have 3 acute angles.
8.A triangle can only have 1 obtuse angle.
1. a triangle has 3 sides
2. a triangle has 3 angles
3. a triangle has no diagonals
4. all sides are adjacent
5. a triangle cant be triangulated
6. the sum of a triangles angles are always 180 deg.
7. a triangle can be named by its sides and angles.
8. an equaderladeral triangle as all sides the same length
9. an equaderladeral triangle has every angle measuring 60 deg.
10. an isoscolies triangle has 2 sides the same length
11. a scalene triangle has unequal sides
12. a right triangle has 1 angle measuring 90 deg.
13. an acute triangle has all angles less than 90 deg.
14. an obtuse triangle has 1 angle greater than 90 deg.
15. a triangle cant have 2 right angles
16. a triangle cant have 2 obtuse angles
17. a triangle cant have 1 right and 1 obtuse angle.
18. the 2 shortest sides are called the legs
19. the longest side is called the hypotunesded or something.
20. the rule for finding if 3 side lengths make a triangle is the longest side is less than the sum of the other 2 sides
Carson Herron
Module #3
Properties of A Triangle’
~ Sum of Interior Angles Equals 180~
~ There are zero diagonals ~
~ Polygon; a triangle also known as a Polygon~
~ Three Sided Figure~
~ Has three vertices ~
~ Can Be an Equilateral triangle~
~ Can Be an Isosceles triangle~
~ Can Be an Scalene triangle~
~Can Be a Right Triangle~
~Can Be an Acute Triangle~
~ Can Be an Obtuse triangle”
~ Can Be a Regular Polygon~
~ Has only two legs~
~ Has only one Hypotenuse~
~ Can also be called a “trigon”~
~ All triangles are Convex~
~ All triangles are bicentric~
~A portion of the plane enclosed by the triangle is called the triangle interior~
~ The Area Of a Triangle equals ½ base times height~
~ The Perimeter of a triangle equals length of the three sides~
~ Vertex angles are given the same symbols as vertices themselves~
~The semiperimeter of a triangle is defined as half its perimeter,
1. A triangle has three sides.
2. A triangle has three angles.
3. A triangle always has two or more acute angles.
4. A triangle can only have one right angle.
5. A triangle can only have one obtuse angle.
6. A triangle can have three equal sides and angles.
7. A triangle can have two equal sides.
8. A triangle can have no equal sides.
9. A triangle’s angles always add up to 180 degrees.
10. A triangle can’t have a right angle and an obtuse angle in the same triangle.
11. A triangle can’t be triangulated.
12. A triangle doesn’t have any diagonals.
13. If a triangle is a right triangle, it will always be an isosceles triangle.
its shelby agin sorry i did the wrong thing heres the right:
-a triangle has to have three sides.
-a trianglehas to have 3 angles.
all triangle angles have to add up to a total of 180 degress.
-a triangle only can have 1 right angle.
-a triangle can only have 1 obtuse angle.
-a triangle can have at least 2 acute angles.
-a equilateral triangle has congruent sides.
-a scalene triangle has all different anfles.
-a isocles trianglehas 2 sides and congruent angles and doesn't.
-a right triangle has 1 right andle.
-a obtuse triangle has 1 obtuse angle.
-a acute triangle has all acute angles.
-a regular triangle has all angles 60 degress.
1. A triangles measures must all equal 180 degrees.
2. A triangle has 3 sides.
3. A triangle has 0 diagonals.
4. A triangle can have atleast one obtuse angle.
5. A triangle can have at least 1 right angle.
6. A triangle with all 3 sides the same length is an equilateral triangle.
7. A triangle with 2 sides the smae length is an isosceles triangle.
8. A triangle with all 3 sides a diffeent length is a scalene triangle.
9. A regular triangle is 60 degrees.
10. A triangle can be triangulated.
11. If a triangle has 3 different side lengths the biggest length has to equal less than the 2 smaller numbers.
1.A triangle has to equal 180 degrees.
2. A triangle has zero diagonals.
3. A triangle with no equal sides is called a scalene triangle.
4. A triangle with 2 equal sides is called a isosceles triangle.
5. A triangle with all sides equal is called a equilateral triangle.
6. A triangle can only have 1 right angle.
7. A triangle can only have 1 obtuse angle.
8. If the triangle was regular each angle would equal 60 degrees.
9. A triangle has 3 sides.
10. A triangle can;t be triangulated.
11. If a trinagle has 3 different side lengths, your largest side has to be smaller than the 2 other sides.
1.A Quadrilateral is any polygon with 4 side.
2.A Quadrilateral can have 4 sides.
3.A Rhombus is a Quadrilateral
4.A Quadrilateral can't have 5,6,7 or more sides.
5.The sum of a Quadrilateral's interior angles are 360 degrees.
6.Has always 2 diagonals in a Quadrilateral.
7.Can have more than one obtuse angle.
8.Can't have 4 acute angles.
9.Can have 3 acute angles.
1.A triangle has to have 3 sides.
2. A triangle has to have 3 angles.
3. All the triangles angles has to equal 180 degrees.
4. A triangle can only have 1 right angle.
5. A triangle can only have 1 obtuse angle.
6. A triangle has to have at least 2 acute angles.
7. An equilateral triangle has to have all sides the same.
8. A right triangle has one right angle.
9. A scalene triangle has one right angle.
10. A isosceles triangle has to sides and angle congruent and one different.
11. A obtuse triangle has one obtuse angle.
12.A acute triangle has all angles acute. 13. A regular triangle has all angles 60 degrees.
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